Everyone has a story

Share yours with us.

Tell us why you are participating in Darkness to Daylight. Your message will be pinned to our virtual tribute wall.

Tribute wall

Sedgman Pty Ltd

Sedgman is proud to have participated in this event for many years, joining in the run and providing volunteers to support the event. By participating, we aim to bring the conversation around family and domestic violence to the forefront and break the stigma and also raise funds for vital support services that provide safety and assistance at a critical time. Sedgman is committed to making a difference and supporting the community we come together in standing up against family and domestic violence by running, walking, and volunteering.

Bec Horsham

Violence against women, men and children is experienced across all communities and cultures. No excuse is good enough. It’s not acceptable, it needs to stop ✋

I walk in the knowledge that any physical pain I experience during this event is fleeting and incomparable to the mental and prolonged torment endured by domestic and family violence survivors. We must bring an end to this violence (which so often occurs behind closed doors) once and for all.

Dini Menrath

I walk for the families of victims of Domestic Violence. I also walk for the victims of Domestic Violence - in particular domestic pets & their abuse. . I walk for the change. To help build a positive culture in our schools and sports communities. We are here to end domestic violence

CJ Homes

This year, CJ Homes has partnered with DV Challenge to raise funds for their Darkness to Daylight 2024 program. This year, CJ Homes has partnered with DV Challenge to raise funds for their Darkness to Daylight 2024 program. We are a family owned business providing quality affordable homes for 20 years for families in Queensland. We are hosting a virtual event to raise funds and have contributed $3000 towards this important cause. We would love your support to help us reach our goal of $3,500. Please donate what you can spare.


This presents a compelling reason to be part of something that is significantly out of balance at the moment. It's imperative that we put an end to it, and participating in this is just one small way to take a stand!

Brooke Grosse

For the Beautiful Alicia Little, taken from us way to soon. I hope in your name I can be a voice to tell your story and to be the voice of those who have theirs takentoo.

For all the lives lost and the ones still surviving dealing with the heartbreak and pain each and every day. For all the hope in the universe that we can make a change and put an end to this epidemic of Violence. For myself as a survivor ❤❤ Jacqui Purton ❤️♥️ For my best friend who's life was so cruelly taken away on 13th of March 2023 The most beautiful soul, the biggest heart and gave so much of herself to look after everyone around her to ensure they were safe and loved. For her 4 beautiful children left behind without their Mum. #justiceforjacqui For the strength, courage, determination and most of all love and compassion for anyone that needs some to be able to leave or get help.


There is currently no greater reason to change behaviours and decrease the violence toward women . The facts are hard to hear. If I can consider a walk at night anywhere I like … then so should my partner , her friends, their daughters , our friends , my sister , my mum and the list goes on. It needs to be sorted out. Enough is enough.


I'm participating for all the adults who grew up as children in refuge, for my Mum who survived DV and for Me, who wants to be everything my daughters will want to be strong, fierce and brave when standing against Domestic violence.

I'm doing this for the survivors, and for the lost. For the victims who can speak and the voices that won't be heard again. For all those who are doing their parts to break the cycle, enable change, embrace compassion, and empower courage.

Michael Bice

I am continuing to participate in Darkness to Daylight to support awareness around DFV and the negative impact it has on our community. I intend to run the 110km during May.

Suse P

Because every single day at work, I hear so many stories of how families are effected by this.

Anita & Olivia

We walk for the very beautiful and bright daughter and sister we lost to DV in 2018. It took far too long after leaving to be afforded the right to be left alone, so many human rights violations that should never take place. No child, woman, man should lose their life to such a crime.


I was a victim of DV for 20 years, I am now a survivor. It's taken a long time to believe in myself, my self-worth and know that it wasn't my fault. Most importantly to believe I am a good person, and I didn't deserve the abuse. As a result of me walking out I lost my three beautiful boys, still today I am dealing with parental alienation. If I didn't get out when I did, I know I wouldn't be here today. I walk to remember those not as fortunate as me.

Adrian Hanks

I'll be running again this year .. in the UK! Such a great event to be part of.

Adrian Hanks

Mad Dogs - Daryl Bancroft and myself (Adrian Hanks) managed 60 k's from sunset to sunrise this year ... Such a great night and so good to be supported by other runners and the volunteers throughout the run. Great to be with Rob Reed again - what a great celebration - 10 years! Well done everyone.

Brisbane Catholic Education

What a great morning. Thank you to all our colleagues, family and friends who have donated to such an important cause. We love you!

Ally Hannon

I participate in D2D in memory of my friend Allison Baden-Clay. Al was the most beautiful person inside and out and her love for her family was immeasurable. Unfortunately, that love was not reciprocated by her husband, who murdered her on 19 April 2012. There is no excuse for what he did to her. There is no excuse for DFV in any household, or anywhere, at any time. We miss Al every single day, and she would want the voices of the community to be heard in saying Not Now. Not Ever. It is for Al that I will Stand UP and Speak Out every single day.


The prevalence of domestic violence across the world is of pandemic proportions. It doesn't affect just women - the ongoing impact that affect every survivor shapes our entire society. My story is just one amongst a never ending sea of stories out there and I am one of the many who do not just have one abuser but many. DFA was around in one way or another in my life for 30 years - and for the most part of that time I didn't even know what it was. It is only now that I am in a safe environment that I am learning to understand the ongoing impacts this has had. With every step I take, I'm taking back a day for me.

I walk for me and the pride I have in showing my children a different life. Breaking the cycle is so important. My parents came from homes where emotional and physical abuse was 'just the era' and taught kids 'respect'. Two daughters later and the cycle continued. Mum a textbook narcissist, dad diagnosed with mental illness. Everything we did was controlled, belittled and undermined. I protected my sister from it all as best I could. The physical violence never reached her. I have spent 25 years in a loving relationship with a healthy dose of distance from my childhood. My sister has gone from one DV relationship to another. To say it doesn't still impact me is simply not true. But to say I broke free from repeating the mistakes of the past is my greatest achievement. I walk to raise awareness and heal.

My story starts when I was just a kid. I have always lived in a single parent home and I am so grateful that my Mum put in the work to keep us as safe as she could. My father was physically and mentally abusive to Mum in the midst of raising all of us. Mum and Dad separated when I was small and she was almost 9 months pregnant with my little sister. we were safe until we were 14 when we had to go and spend the fortnight at his. I hated going so much and just wanted to stay with my Mum. Countless bruises, not showered or looked after. I would usually have an accident every second thursday before going to his as I knew it was the last night with Mum until we had to go there. As a little kid I can remember promising myself that I would never let anyone feel those things and that I would help those people when I got older. Mum studied to be a mental health nurse after she had her sixth child and while raising all of us and while dealing with my father's harrassment. I hold this cause very close to my heart and hope the government put more things forward to help those who desperately need it.


I’m showing up for myself, to show myself I would get through this. Through the darkest stages of my previous relationship, I didn’t think there was any other option but to stay. But here I am to prove to myself and to others it is possible and you will come out stronger!


My story is all too common. At 14 I was waiting at a bus stop after a regular after school activity that had gone longer than usual. It wasn’t that late - maybe 8pm - but I’d missed my bus. A man perhaps in his 20s stopped and offered me a life to a block s interchange where I’d be able to get home. I did finally get home that night but I wasn’t the same ever again. Every girl every woman ever person has a right to be safe.


I escaped an abusive marriage in 1996. While I was left with a lifetime of PTSD I am reminded I did leave with my life and the lives of my children. I walk to remember those not as fortunate as me, and to help those who can escape as I did and forge a better life for themselves and their loved ones.


The stories that continue to be shown are what drives me to end domestic and family violence. Let's raise the awareness that is needed to help those that are currently experiencing or going through at this moment.

Julie Dennis-Jagers

For those who the kennedy tinson stewart abusers and their supporters and continue to alienate child from mother with any consequences...yet...


Met with Sue and Lloyd Clarke - wonderful people who give their all to help stop domestic and family violence - they are an inspiration.

As a child, my husband and his siblings were beaten, emotionally abused and neglected by their father. The struggles my husband overcame were immense and impacted his physical health, mental health, educational outcomes and relationships with other family members. Most people don't know this about him and would never guess the horrors he has been through. I am running for him, and to raise awareness that domestic and family violence can impact anyone, even those you least expect.

A nurse, a grandfather, and two of the most beautiful children you could meet. As an uncle, brother, son they make me so proud to see the adversity they have overcome. A journey we have all been through together. That they (we) have come out of this stronger together (together). I wish I knew about the cause earlier!

Eliza Pati

Met a new friend today who shared her walk with me against DFV ...making change together 🙏🏽💜🌺

Ash Dear

My mum was physically, mentally, and financially abused by my biological father when I was young. I can't understand how he could be cruel to the most kind-hearted and loving person I've ever known. Luckily we got away and my mum found my amazing stepfather who stepped up and was the dad me and my sister needed. I'm running for my mum and for all women who are in an abusive situation. You aren't alone.

Mary Jackson

I'm doing this for my friends Rachel and Michelle who both lost their lives to DV. I'm doing this for my friends who have had the courage and ability to leave. I'm doing this for my friends who haven't been able to leave yet. Each one of them deserves to have their voice heard. I hear you


15 years ago I finally had the courage to leave. Living in a regional community where my ex-husband had a standing in the community, it was very hard. With the support of the Police I got a protection order in place. The court system there was male dominated and it was awful process to go through especially with a man who believed all the abuse and control was in my head. He controlled our home, finances, access to family & friends and my role was to be subservient to him, domestic duties and children. Everything in our relationship was under his control. To him I was ugly, fat and everyday he reminded me of how I incompetent I was. So much has changed in more recent times but we still have so much more to do. Hannah Clarke's story brought back home to me my dark days and how afraid I was and there are so many more stories. I try to pay forward the help and support I got during this time of my life and when ever I can - help others.


I believe everyone has a beautiful flame within them. It is so sad to see the flame being suffocated to a glow before being extinguished by ones partner. When the role of a partner is to second you though life supporting your dreams.

I’m doing this for my older sister who is a DFV support officer, for Hannah who lives in my community, and for many women who have who have had the courage to share with me their stories of having experienced DFV. We all have a responsibility to speak out and do something to put an end to it.

Shayne Probert

My mother Doreen Langham was murdered due to Domestic Violence in February 2021. I am here to be the voice that she would of been for me or anyone that she knew if they were in a DV situation. Mum will always be missed but her light will always shine on!

Afternoon Walk with Work mates are the Best!

Kate Cleary

Pregnancy can also be a trigger for violence. A quarter of Australian women who have experienced partner violence were abused for the first time during pregnancy. Let your midwife know. That's why I'm walking


I personally experienced DV for over 20 years and through the kindness and support from friends was able to make the break and be independent and self sufficient. Whilst I tried to shelter/filter my children from the impacts of DV - it still affects all of us today. This is an amazing opportunity to raise awareness.

Laura Edwards

I have been subjected to verbal abuse for a few years but in January this year unfortunately I became subjected to physical abuse & this is not right! So this years Darkness to Daylight event means more to me than ever! Every km I do I think of the difference this is making & I'm also teaching my son who is almost 5 years old that abuse of any sort is not right. I'm not a victim, I will stand up for myself now more than ever!!

Rita Hudson

I've joined to be a voice for the voiceless and to shine light on need for all Australians to do more. Every human deserves to be safe in their homes. Do better Australia.

I will never forget my close friend in our early 20s experiencing patches of her hair torn out from being dragged along the floor by her hair, bruises on her throat from choke holds, living in fear for hers and her children’s lives, nor the control and manipulation she lived with for far too long, all at the hands of someone she had loved and adored!! NO ONE deserves to live like that! It’s time to end this once and for all!!!

Debra Parker

As a child, my mother was bashed daily by my creep of a father. As my brother got older he copped it as well. As i got older and taller, I started to exert my voice and as my confidence grew, i put myself in harms way to protect my darling mum. I have the scars on my face to prove it. I spent many nights running to the neighbours to use their phone and call the police. I spent many nights with my mum and brother in a women's shelter. I just had to reconcile that mum was never going to leave him until us kids had finished school. Women used to stay in the 50's, 60's and the 70's because it wasn't acceptable to leave your husband. I could never understand why my grandpa accepted his daughter getting bashed everyday. Society was different back then i guess. I cannot believe the life my mum had to live to just survive the torture. She protected us the best she could and i loved her so much . I was 16 when i finished year 12 and i moved out straight away and never looked back. My brother's life didn't turn as planned. As he got older, he turned to alcohol & drugs and committed too many crimes to mention and spent a fair amount of time in jail which was tragic. He died too young at 49. My father died totally alone when he is 45. Mum and I could finally relax . Mum ended up meeting the love of her life and he treated her like a queen every day until breast cancer took her life too soon at 75 years young. This walk is for my darling mum June and all the other women and children who live in fear everyday.

Tiffany Potter

1 in 4 Australian women have experienced emotional abuse, and I am that 1 in 4. In my previous relationship, I was the victim of domestic violence. It took me a long time to come to turns with that, as he 'never hit me' so it was never DV; but DV comes in many forms. I was a victim of coercive control, financial, emotional and spiritual abuse. It took me a long time to gather the strength to leave. I wasn't scared to leave, but the emotional ties were strong. I was bullied into believing he'd kill himself without me; and made to feel worthless without him. I was made to feel guilty for any time I spent away from him, criticised for spending time with my family being forced to choose between time with them or him. I was forced to do everything whilst he worked a few hours a week, and spent the rest of the time watching movies or playing games. It was my fault that we never had money to go on nice holidays, even though I worked full time plus paid for all expenses we both had. I was blamed constantly for everything that was wrong in our lives and yelled at constantly. Even now, a few years later, I struggle around yelling, struggle with self esteem and anxiety issues. DV isn't just something that happens to other people you've never met. It happens to other women, men and children more than is acceptable. Let's work together to educate the next generation.


I am taking part in this fundraiser as I am a survivor of Domestic Violence and there is a great need for more awareness of this in our communities. When I started my survival journey over 20 years ago, there was very little support in my small country town and there was a huge stigma surrounding this. It was not a subject that was discussed openly in company, and for this reason many victims did not take that first step to survive. We have made huge progress over recent years, but there is still a long way to go. Events like this, not only raise money for support, but also highlight the importance of being aware of all that is encompassed in Domestic Violence.


I'm a Domestic Violence survivor, participating in events like this that help to support and raise awareness of others facing the same situation is so important. 'Be the change you wish to see in the world'.


I was so ashamed knowing that I was stuck in a marriage that was becoming more and more volatile and you never knew what the day ahead would bring. Controlled in every aspect of our day and no money to escape. Watching my 4 beautiful children becoming more and more enveloped in this toxic atmosphere and having made sure I was isolated from my family no resource to go to for help. I am grateful that I found the right person to share my story and managed to get out before he stopped hitting the walls and found a more personal target because I know there are many that didn't get out in time. Every step counts in your bid to escape - it wasn't easy and it wasn't quick, but this is my 110kms for those who are not as lucky as me. Today I am safe, loved and happy and count my blessings every day.

Lisa Nankervis

Myself and my two sons are participating to help stop domestic violence because it’s very close to my heart as I am very aware of this growing up with my brother . I want my family to be aware that this just isn’t right and that we can help stop this .

Adrian Hanks

Team Blue Wren will be running again this year - mostly on the Gold Coast, and we will be doing our big all-nighter again at the end of May to keep the D2D energy going ..

Deb Blow

To all the courageous survivors of domestic violence. I salute you and stand with you. We all deserve to live our very best lives.

I walk to recognise my survival and in the hope that funds raised will help others and change the laws which provide inadequate protection. Sadly, my ex-husband, who has now done this to two wives, walks free and consistently tries to circumvent the systems to gain access to me and his children. We will continue to walk the line between darkness and daylight until my youngest reaches 18.

Angela Carss

I want the people in my life to know I’m there for them, in good, bad and ugly times, that no matter if they are a victim or a perpetrator that they can get help and that there is a way to work on the trauma of their past. For victims, you know if it doesn’t feel right, trust your gut and trust yourself. Remember to always stay connected with the people in your life.


It's not usually something I speak about, but my biological father was abusive towards my mum, my brother, and I since I could remember. I am so lucky to have such a strong mum, she was brave enough to face the world and stand up not just for herself but for me and my brother. Spreading awareness and speaking out against violent acts against women and children has always been something I'm passionate about. I will be a voice for those who can't use theirs.

My dad hit my mum. Could hear her crying. Was downstairs with my little brother. I called the police. That led to him beating us after being released from a night in jail. That led to my mum leaving him and taking us with her the day after that. My mum then had to raise 2 boys (10 and 15) on her own as good old dad hid his income (cash in hand) and refused to pay child support. Fuck DFV. Let's end it.


My Dad was abusive towards my Mum and I and I've grown up wishing that my Mum felt strong enough and was educated enough to leave earlier. This is such an important cause and my heart goes out to everyone who has experienced, is experiencing or will experience DV. You are strong, worthy and loved!

Cassandra Jardine

I am doing this as I feel every person has the right to feel safe physically, emotionally and in every other way. We need to help to break the cycle with education. I have many friends that have experienced DV and I am also doing this for them.

For my mum - the bravest, kindest woman I know, whose heart remains open despite all that she has endured. Love you mum XO


Because we are survivors of DFV, and can be free to walk, run, and be normal, like everyone now. It's been 11 years since we left that situation, and cherish every day that we can walk free.

Yvonne Richardson

As a survivor of domestic violence and ongoing post separation abuse 18 months on, I am determined to make my horrid journey a positive by helping others. My experience resulted in me leaving my home and business, and starting my life again. I had five DV Court appearances, and numerous civil proceedings attendances that continues today. Sadly the Court system provides an avenue for the abuse to continue. My participation in this event is the beginning of my new journey and determination to bring about positive change. So proud to be part of this event and with the great people from Resources.


Thank you to all the great supporters at today’s (31May) event. You guys were awesome.


I believe in a world of non-violence.

Anne Lewis

As a survivor of domestic and family violence, moving from the darkness of an abusive marriage to the daylight of living life on my own terms was life-changing. I participate in the D2D challenge to celebrate that change and to give whatever help and hope I can to others who have not yet been able to make that journey.

Lily Searston

I'm doing darkness to daylight to bring light to the domestic violence situation

Elizabeth Mijatovic

My name is Elizabeth Mijatovic and I am a survivor of domestic violence committed by my ex-husband; the perpetrator. I was frightened to leave the marriage because I was threatened if I left him there would be consequences. I stayed, living in fear, and hoped that he would change and stop the domestic violence. There was no change nor did the abuse stop. I am walking the Darkness to Daylight for all the victims and survivors of domestic violence. Together, we can redefine what it means to be a survivor and end domestic violent abuse. All victims and survivors out there, our stories are changing history. Let us make that change now and speak out. During my marriage I felt hopeless and entrapped in the domestic violence cycle. I knew there was hope out there but it was going to take strength and courage to leave, and speak out to family and the police. Darkness to Daylight is a powerful platform to raise awareness about the Cycle of Domestic Violence and its traumatic impact on victims. I want to empower other survivors with the aim to focus on education – in hope to prevent the next victim of domestic violence. Remember, you cannot blame yourself, you and I are not alone. As a group, we believe in you - so let us draw the line and stop domestic violence.


I am participating in this challenge as my daughter and have experienced domestic abuse, through many years of coercive control and emotional abuse. Coercive Control is an insidious invisible form of abuse, caused by cowards but in turn making you feel deep feelings of isolation, confusion, and worthlessness. I want to help shine a light on the fact that anyone can become victim of coercive control, it can happen before you know it, no matter who you are. Coercive control is never ok.


I am doing this for all those who are unable to speak. Domestic violence affects us all. Let's reduce the amount of domestic violence that occurs in our country.

Michael Klunzinger

My why is having experienced domestic violence first hand. As a kid, I was abused mentally and physically by my stepfather. Later in life, I was married to an abusive spouse and yes, women do abuse men! My ex-wife and stepfather are both out of the picture and the wounds are (for the most part) healed, but I will never forget the trauma. I run because I know there are others out there still going through it.

Sophie Tory

I am walking in memory of Hannah and her beautiful babies, Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey, and all the women, children and men who have lost their lives through these tragic circumstances. I stand behind the drive for legislative change, and will continue to support in whatever way I can. #smallsteps4hannah #halt #seewhatyoumademedo

The emotional pain is never forgotten from childhood through to adulthood. Then one day you are free from that person(s). The trauma lives vicariously with you but you do eventually learn to manage it, not allow it to direct your path and you choose to live your life to the full, choose to smile when you wake up and make your own choices.....a choice to live your own life and be your own person.

Honor Turner

Its my first time being a part of the Darkness to Daylight cause. I am walking on the day as a survivor of domestic violence (20 years now) I live a life of freedom, positivity and empowerment. That old life does not define who I am. However its time for me to stand up and do more for those in need. This includes all the children who are affected by domestic violence. It's not ok and enough is enough!

Lauren Stonestreet

I am doing Darkness to daylight for my work colleague Doreen who was killed by her ex partner in February in the most unimaginable way. My aim is to spread awareness In the community that domestic and family violence is an issue.


I do this for all those who do not have the freedom to participate in the hope they will find the voice to speak out.

Kurt Stewart

As a father of 2 young girls and a boy, I want all my kids to grow up knowing that domestic and family violence is not OK! My kids have all joined me on some of my walks and understand the importance of the CEO challenge in raising awareness for the terrible things that go on in our local communities!

Melissa Borwick from Everybodi Health and Fitness

I am participating in this challenge to help increase community awareness about Domestic Violence. My ex partner broke into my house and tried to kill me 5 years ago. I am very blessed to be still alive, I think of all those who have not survived, I run for them...... in hope that together we can reduce the amount of Domestic Violence that occurs in Australia. 💜

Louise Sarow

I am participating in Darkness to Daylight because I would like to support the fight against domestic violence.


I am a survivor who made it through the darkness of 15yrs to daylight of 11yrs and beyond. I am doing this in support of all those who are still trying and in memory of those who didn't make it. Everyone deserves to be safe, supported and free to live their best life. Time to end the cycle.


I am participating because I have experienced violence in my life I grew up with a father who took his anger out on his children Unfortunately I then married into a situation where the abuse was so subtle, that because it wasn't physical I didn't realise what it was It wasn't until I left because things got physical did I realise the abuse I had been suffering for years I sought help and they showed me it wasn't my fault and how to deal with the new situation I found myself in I want to raise awareness and support organisations that help those who need it - I know how important it is to get help, to get the message out there that just because it isn't physical doesn't mean it is not abuse.

Dean Jefferson

Over the last 12 months, they have probably been the most challenging that I have ever had in my life. I have been a victim of domestic violence but what makes it worse is that there is limited information for men who are the victims, and then even less when you identify as being homosexual. My story is long and troublesome, it took police 7 seperate incidents to finally have a protection order taken out, but what made it worse were the ongoing breaches. Everyone's story is different, the worst physical injury were cracked ribs but I still continued to work. We all know the slogan, not now., not ever, and thats a formulation as to putting an end to domestic violence, for you. However, all that we are doing is shifting their own behaviour and ultimately having it put onto someone else. The fact of the matter is that we must change the way on our thought processes. Whilst it has been a very slow progress, I can actually put my hand on my heart and to say that I have not only had the strength to go through domestic violence, but also the strength and the insight to help change the perpetrator. Last weekend they said to me that I gave them the realisation of having a better life for themselves. Only time will ultimately tell, but in the meantime, we must consider to create more awareness but also more resources for people who are on both sides as this will only support putting an end to domestic violence.

Ann Graham

After 12 years in a DFV relationship I made it through to the daylight, I am doing this for those who are still trying and in honour of those who didn't make it through.


I don't believe anyone should be subjected to domestic and family violence, hopefully through our actions we can bring light to those affected and raise money to support those in need.


I don't believe anyone should be subjected to domestic and family violence, hopefully through our actions we can bring light to those affected and raise money to support those in need.

Tonya Donnelly

I have personally been subjected to domestic and family violence, but that is not why I am walking. I have seen and helped friends who have been subjected to domestic and family violence, but that is not why I am walking. I have listened to harrowing accounts from patients recounting what has happened to them, but that is not why I am walking. I have argued with family and friends as to the definition of domestic and family violence, but that is not why I am walking. I have hotly debated with colleagues, police officers, paramedics and other professionals whether an injury may be "justified" or "reasonable" or "yeah, but....", but that is not why I am walking. I have spent hours talking to my kids and other young and emerging adults about domestic and family violence, but that is not why I am walking. I have held the hand of a dying woman on more than one occasion with tears pouring down my face looking at hers - swollen and blackened with bruises, but that is not why I am walking. I am walking in the hope that just one of my friends thinks more deeply about domestic and family violence - - what it is; who it is; why it is....and puts their hand up to seek assistance or reaches out to someone they are worried about...or opens the conversation around the dinner table ... or educates themself to recognise some signs. It has to stop. It has to be talked about. It has to be stood up against. It's not okay. It is an insidious beast in our community. It happened to me. It is happening to people you love. It may be happening to you. Seek help. Reach out. I am walking for you ❤

Tracy Duffill-Wilson

In support of the women, children and families impacted upon by DV. I am a survivor and so is my sister. I am walking in support of getting to a day where it is the norm to call out language, behavior, signs, actions, complicity, and anything that indicates a risk of DV and where emerging generations are educated and equipped with the resources and skills to deal with domestic life without violence.

Kelly Bentson

THIS IS WHY I’M DOING THIS 110km WALK!!!! 9 month old baby girl Kobi Shepherdson died in a murder-suicide yesterday when her dad jumped from the Whispering Wall at the Barossa reservoir. 2 days ago Kelly Wilkinson was brutally beaten and murdered when her ex-partner set her on fire. What is it going to take before men’s violence is addressed in this country? Most perpetrators of violence against women are men. Most perpetrators of violence against children are men. Most perpetrators of violence against men are men. Not all men are violent (I would argue that most aren’t), but there are far too many who are, and all men have a responsibility to help end violence. Look at this sweet baby girls face and get angry, because there is no excuse for violent and entitled men CHOOSING to take the lives of innocent people. #ENOUGH

My mum was a victim of domestic family violence. I'm walking for her.


It’s time. To take back the streets, our homes, our workplaces. To demand a safer world. To deplatform misogyny and privilege. It’s time to end the violence.

Jeanette Reid

I am participating because I believe every human deserves to be safe and enjoy a health, happy, non violent environment.

Tammy Sovenyhazi

I am joining the challenge this year as I cannot live in a world where such insidious violence is accepted as the norm and I want to be part of the change. I am a role model to my three sons and grandson that this is not the world that we live in nor the way we treat our women and children. We all have a part to play...

Margie Green

I am participating in this challenge as I and my daughter have experienced domestic violence, through many years of psychological abuse. It is an invisible form of abuse, causing deep feelings of isolation and despair. I want to help shine a light on this and effect change to ensure other women don't share my experience


Good luck Hannah Plater


I'm a survivor,a mum .You are not alone

Catherine Sivakumar

Gratitude wall

Karen George

I look forward every year to this event. The feeling i get when starting our run in the morning darkness, the symbolism of women caught in a dark situation and then the joy and personal achievement from running and achieving an annual goal. Both a sombre and celebratory feeling in one!


Too my two beautiful friends who have lived through Domestic Violence relationships, I do this for you! You are seen, heard and held. Love you both so much xx

Deborah Parker

In memory of my 'Auntie Rosie'. Your smile, your affection, they way you looked after me on the weekends or overnights when I stayed, to me you were my second Mum. I will always keep you in my life! This challenge has not only challenged me with my fitness, but challenged me emotionally to stop saying nothing and to SPEAK.


I support ACEOC for four very close friends - beautiful strong, loved women, who have been, and still are, suffering from the lifelong effects of domestic violence. No one deserves violence and abuse - physical, emotional, or financial. I stand with them, and I am walking throughout October for all the other women, children and men who have experienced violence. We can make a difference. We want a world with zero violence. #challengezero #d2d

Catherine Walsh

I completely believe that together we can eliminate domestic and family violence. However I do not underestimate the challenge....but one step at a time....one more person who now lives without violence; one more perpetrator who has to face responsibility for their actions; one more child who is taught what a mutual, respectful relationship looks like. These one mores will add up and we will see change.


ONE woman a week is murdered in Australia by her current or former partner and 1 in 3 women have experienced physical and /or sexual violence since the age of 15. This is not okay. We need to empower and educate; we need resources for women to be able to say "I'm not staying in this situation" and have a way out. I am a survivor, I am one of the lucky ones. Now it's my turn to help others xxx

For the scared and confused girl I was a year ago who had no idea how to talk about what was happening behind closed doors and for how far removed that seems from where I am now.


Awesome cause to raise awareness that violence is not ok, and to show those subjected to it that there is an out and they are not alone.


I want to support all those brave enough to leave an abusive relationship, and encourage those who suffer and are too scared to take the step to leave.


After leaving my husband due to abuse, i want my daughter to grow up knowing that behaviour is wrong and not love! You should never stay in that environment. I want her to be proud of me, she saved my life. The damage caused by the fear is something that never leaves you. But it gets easier to deal with when it is put in the spotlight.

Brett Annells

Supporting all the families impacted by Domestic violence. This is real and impacts all members of family, friends and community. Together we can support and provide a safe place for everyone. My whole family is part of my run/walk to show we are all here to support each other!


2020 has been a tough year for all, but especially those whose home is not safe. We are with you...you are not alone ❤️


Supporting a good cause and in memory of all those lost to DV and those that are unable to extract themselves yet from an unhealthy relationship at this point in their relationship. Also for those that have survived DV and gone on to be great, strong and powerful women.


In memory of Dee. We all miss you.

x J x

As a teenager I was assaulted by my then boyfriend, and 25 years on the injuries I sustained still impact my day to day living. I’m not a victim, I’m a survivor. And I’m privileged to be here and be a part of something that has the power to enact change.

Kate Cash

I am blessed to live a life free from violence, in a healthy community with family and friends that support me. Running alongside so many others that want the same for everyone in our community is so simple, but so powerful. Together, even remotely, we can make a difference.

Jess Sammon

I'm participating in Darkness to Daylight for any friends and family members who have experienced domestic violence and felt that they couldn't tell anyone or seek help. Know that you're not alone. Know that if help is ever needed that I'm here for you with every step away from a bad situation to a better one. From darkness to daylight.

Sonja Robinson

So happy for your support, thank you! Let’s band together to make a differential across states and Australia DDV has no boundaries

Hollie Hughes

I am proud to be participating in this years Darkness to Daylight challenge as it is supporting a cause close to my heart and is extremely important!

For all the victims, no matter how they identify. There is no place for Domestic Violence in our communities. Everybody deserves their home to be their safe haven xxx


We need to talk more openly about DFV, it shouldn't be a conversation that is spoken about behind closed doors when no one is listening or only after hearing on the news of another DFV death. I have had family and friends affected by this silent epidemic and it's no okay, everyone deserves to feel safe. So I walk/run in the month of October proudly to raise awareness and bring DFV out of the darkness and into the daylight!

Sadly everyone does have a story. I have many family members and friends who have been subjected to domestic and family violence and have been myself. We need to stand up and work together on this, to break this cycle. We need to show meaningful support and teach people better ways of being in the world.

Jo Withford

I am participating in Darkness to Daylight because every human being deserves to live in a world where they have the opportunity to thrive, be loved and respected and live free of violence.


It's an opportunity to walk in solidarity for awareness and change. I know a number of people directly and directly who have been impacted by domestic and family violence and we have an opportunity to stand with them and also send a message that it is not OK.

This is my way of showing my support to the families of victims of domestic violence.

Sal Maina

In previous years I have seen messages through work emails about domestic violence but never really paid attention. At the beginning of this year there was tragic news of one of our staff members who lost their lives through DV and that really hit me hard. Knowing that DV can affect someone close to you as some of you may say, 'it is not just numbers, these are people in our community'. Through this platform, I can gather courage to initiate discussion with my colleagues about DV without shame or fear. Even amongst friends, I would like to encourage conversations. DV comes in various degrees and sadly, it is the tragic ones that we get to know about. I just want to take part in support/solidarity of anyone going through any form of domestic and family violence.

Adrian Hanks

Because it feels like the right thing to do. Standing, running, speaking out.


I am joining ro remind myself to move forward, being abused doesn’t have to be a life sentence. I take strength from being better than what I experienced, I take strength from being part of a team that strives to educate, support and stop domestic and family violence.

Victoria Herrmann

My tribute is to the beautiful Baxter family and the incredible Hannah Baxter.

David Murrin

Joining in D2D both virtually and as part of a team means two things to me. It reminds me that it is only TOGETHER that we will effectively create a world where violence becomes never an answer - as a team! Virtually undertaking the challenge means there is so much more ground and places that become sacred due to every single person's efforts.


As a male victim and survivor of domestic and family violence (DFV), knowing many male victims (including my two sons) who are not supported by appropriate services for male victims, often prevented from speaking out about it or believed, it is important that DFV is recognised as a problem only of itself, for any person, regardless of gender. #ENDALLDV.

George Theo

No-one should have to live with domestic and family violence, we must all come together to put a STOP to this practice by providing ongoing education and support.


1 year ago I left an abusive relationship of 14 years. I am joining Darkness to Daylight event with the hope that I can help contribute to the fight against domestic abuse. I am walking for myself, my daughter, my son and every other victim of abuse.


I am joining the challenge to be part of the change. . We can stop the pattern by supporting our community.


In 2002, unfortunately I lost my cousin to domestic violence at the hands of her ex-husband, so the prevention of domestic violence is very important to me. Unfortunately her story is replicated far too often. With your support we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by Domestic and Family Violence, and help end the cycle of violence. So in Petrina’s memory, I have decided to join Queensland Rail’s team in this year’s Darkness to Daylight Challenge Event

Laura Edwards

I am accepting this challenge for Hannah Clarke and her 3 beautiful children, although I didn't know them personally from what I see Hannah was an amazing mother and so fit.


I love that we can all come together as a community to raise awareness that domestic and family violence has to end and that we can help support those affected in anyway we can. This year more than ever is important due to people being forced to stay home. I am running for my son and daughter so they can hopefully live in a future where it doesn’t exists.


I am joining in the Darkness to Daylight event with the hope that in a small way I can tribute to helping in the fight against domestic abuse. I found the event last year was very inspiring and I am sure that the funds raised by all the competitors will have been much appreciated to aid this very worthwhile cause.

Donna Harvey

Everyone has the right to feel safe and supported. D2D is an opportunity to raise further awareness about DFV, to help strengthen support in the community and workplace, and to build a culture of respect and gender equity for men, women and children alike.


Darkness to Daylight is an opportunity for me to participate and take action to raise awareness about Domestic and Family Violence. I want my grandchildren to grow up in a world free from violence.


I want my 2 young boys to live in a world where DFV is no longer an issue. Coming together as a community to raise awareness that DFV has to end, that we care, and that we are here to support those affected is so important. I am running for my boys and their future.


This is an amazing event to be part of !


I've joined the Darkness to Daylight Challenge because it's a great way of bringing out into the open the issue of domestic and family violence. Its a community problem and by the community being involved in promoting awareness and making it more open conversations, it just helps people build their understanding and recognition of it and work towards solutions


I am a woman, a mother and stepmother, a sister, a daughter and a friend. I am also a survivor. Sharing our stories and experiences with DFV is an important way to reduce stigma and raise awareness of this prevalent issue. Together we can all contribute to zero incidences of DFV.

  • Pietro Rizzuto just donated $104
  • Prevention Division just donated $110
  • Nikki Johnson just donated $25
  • Alison just donated $50
  • Niamh Lennon just donated $10
  • Krystal Harlen just donated $15.60
  • Belinda Dayas just donated $52
  • David Hughes just donated $50
  • Dianne Jones just donated $5.20
  • Courtney Stevens just donated $26
  • Alison Haycock just donated $26
  • Anonymous just donated $50
  • Brett Popham just donated $52
  • Joyce just donated $30
  • Lexi Papa just donated $26
  • Andy Laverty just donated $50
  • K Scarlett just donated $25
  • Laura allen just donated $20.80
  • Karell Sime just donated $265
  • Michael j Murphy just donated $104